Parkway Tree Removal

Parkway Tree Removal

On average since 1969, the City loses about 2%, or 350 to 400, of its public trees each year due to natural mortality, storm damage, environmental extremes, insect pests, disease, and high-risk structural defects, to name a few. Multi-year waves of destructive insect pests and disease increase those numbers as was seen in the 1970’s with Dutch elm disease and Emerald ash borer in more recent years resulting in annual removals of 700-800 trees during those waves.

If Forestry Staff determines that removal of a parkway tree is necessary, the tree will be tagged and placed on the removal waiting list. Residents will receive a doorhanger at the time of inspection and will later receive a letter in the mail with more details about the removal and replanting process.

Removals are routinely scheduled with the City’s contractor throughout the year.

Grinding of the tree stump and restoration with topsoil and seed typically occurs within one to two months after the tree is removed, spring through fall, as weather permits. It is the responsibility of the property owner to water and care for the restored area to ensure the establishment of the parkway lawn. Prior to grinding the stump, the contractor will coordinate JULIE locates to identify underground utilities. Utility locators will mark the buried utilities with above ground flagging and paint in the parkway. Please ensure that flagging and paint remain visible in the parkway.

JULIE flagging (2023)

The City requests that residents mark any sprinkler system lines and heads in the parkway so care can be taken when removing and stump grinding the parkway tree(s). Additionally, flowers, plants, and landscaping decorations located near the tree must be removed to facilitate efficient tree removal and stump grinding (it is also against city policy to have such items in the parkway).


If spacing allows, the location will be placed on the waitlist for a new tree. More information about the cost-share program and replacement trees can be found here.